I bought three things in Paris: two steals and one splurge. And here they are: please forgive the quality of the photographs and the lack of me in them — since it has been getting dark at about 4 here in Brrrlin it is no longer conducive to photography, let alone outfit shots. But I will get some sooner or later, the cape on the table just does not do it justice.
I have been looking for a big man watch like my dad wears for some time now, but I didn't want to spend the fortune that "real" big man watches tend to cost, and all the ones I have seen at flea markets in Berlin, well, don't tell time. I will admit that I want a watch because I think they look cool, but the time is nice too. Anyway, I found this bad boy in a French metro station for ten euros, and even though it was so cheap, the guy selling it to me still took the time to shorten it from big man wrist size to little woman wrist size just for me. And guess what? It is still working, 11 days and counting....

Hello steal number two. I tried on a pair very similar to these suede (maybe) puppies on my first day in Paris, but decided not to splurge just yet. Luckily, because I found these for literally one fifth the price at a flea market the next day. This place was nothing like the fleas in Berlin, but mainly filled with knockoffs. But hey, I like them, especially the olive color and the fact that they are super comfy. I am still hoping to get a similar pair with a wedge one day too, maybe in maroon?
And here we have my splurge: I definitely spent a little more on this than I normally would, but hey, I was in Paris. Plus, I have wanted a black cape for some time now and this one is just perfect (as I said these pics do not do it justice). It is so soft, just the right length and has a perfect little collar. It is a simple classic that I know I will be able to wear for many seasons to come. Spoken like a true French shopper, no? It doesn't hurt that it will always remind me of Paris either.