Friday 22 October 2010

Do You Read Me?!

Attention all Berliners or those visiting Berlin who love words, to read them, to look at pretty pictures or have particular interests in particular things. If you are a blogger, you certainly might fall into one of these categories, and if you are a blogger you certainly might love magazines, and if you love magazines you certainly will love the shop Do You Read Me?!

Oh man, they have every magazine you could possibly dream of and probably hundreds you have never even heard of yet. I could have spent hours in there just perusing glossy page after glossy page. I plan on going back and doing just that next week and picking up a copy of the Gentlewoman or some other amazing find. But when I discovered this magical land last night, I was in fact there to celebrate the launch of a new Berlin and London based magazine called Teller. The space was packed and a few contributors read their pieces (the mag is full of actual stories) — always a bit of an awkward experience but actually it was not too painful.

Before I left I actually snagged the last issue of the mag and am looking forward to reading it after my big move tomorrow. I then joined a friend and his friends and went to Alt Berlin, a little hole-in-the-wall pub tucked in all the snootiness of Mitte, that made me feel like I was in a small town outside of London where we and drank beer out of big glasses with handles and talked about life. A coworker randomly ended up at the magazine party and at the bar and I went back and forth chatting with her and her friends and the people I came with. Being in a foreign land, it is not too often (i.e never) that I find myself in place where I know enough people to bounce around from group to group, especially if I am out without my boyfriend. But it felt really nice to be somewhat of a social butterfly like the good old days for an evening. I think it may have been just what I needed to get my Berlin spirits up again. 

P.S. I wish I had photos of what I wore for you as my shirt was covered with silent film star looking ladies, but my photographer was absent. Boo.

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