Monday 27 October 2008

Countdown to Barack: 9 Days

After you see someone’s face so many times, listen to them talk over and over again, and really hear what that have to say, doesn’t the color of his or her skin become secondary or maybe even non-existent? Apparently not to some people. I know this, but it still makes me sad, especially with eight days left before we all go to the polls. This is an interesting article about Pennsylvania (where I went!) voters who won’t vote for a black man even though they are democrats. Oh it’s scary, I mean think about the people who are willing to say they won’t vote for a black person aloud, and then even scarier, all the covert racists whose true feelings come out when they get in the voting booth. The Bradley Effect is a frightening thing.

And this just takes all that bat shit crazy to a whole new level — apparently if you type in terrorist costume on Amazon a Barack Obama mask comes up. Okay okay, I need to stop. l’m going to try and have positive good energy and believe that in a little over a week will have elected the first African American president.

Oh and I heard a rumor that next Tuesday after you vote, you can head on down to Ben & Jerry’s and get a free ice cream for completing your patriotic duties. See, Obama love ice cream too and he cleans up afer himself.

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