Tuesday 2 June 2009

Bathroom Blues

I find myself perched up on the counter in my bathroom quite often actually, I know it’s kind of weird, but I have some serious heart to hearts with myself during these usually late night moments. Maybe that is why this picture caught my eye so much. Actually this girl has caught my eye before (she is quite pretty with the quirky style I appreciate), so I did some research and found out that her name is Alexa Chung and she is some British model, columnist, artist, muse, ‘It Girl’ who has dated more than a hand full of boys in bands, naturally…Anyway, I am moving rooms tomorrow and will no longer have a bathroom conducive to such perching and although my digs are far superior I will miss my random contemplative spot. I think I may paint the new bathroom a blue like this. Blue is a reflective color, maybe that will help.

Thanks Wikstenmade.

1 comment:

Daughters of Dawn said...

This is such a lovely picture. We all need those special places in our home