Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Last Days

My first days in Berlin have been filled with lots of sleeping, time with my amazing boyfriend and drinking wine. Three of my favorite things for sure, but to be honest I still can't help but long for New York. Breaking up is hard to do and as I have said to a few friends and family members lately, just because you miss something doesn't mean saying goodbye to it/him/her was the wrong decision. I am happy to be here and I know that once I really get out into the city and over this jet lag (does it get worse when you get older?) my longing for the past will dissipate. And my breakup is a little different than most — although I am parting ways with that moody city for many of the right reasons but still love it so much, it's not like I have to completely block it out of my life in order to move on. My people, who truly made New York New York, will always be a part of my world and my heart...

And here are some pics of the last days (for now) with those New Yorkers I love...

1 comment:

marcel said...

miss you meggers. but i'm glad you're getting some sun and some lovin.