BERLIN—People celebrate New Year's Eve near the Brandenburg Gate after the fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989.
My New Year’s Eve might not be as memorable as that, but I am happy about it for the first time in a long time — well three years to be exact. And I am excited for the coming year. It feels good to be going into it like this, it’s almost like a clean slate. As Ms. Diebel just told me, 2009 is year of the ox, for reliability and sturdiness. Who doesn’t need a little of that in their lives? I know I am ready for it. And goodbye to the year of the rat, there were certainly a few of those in all of our lives in 2008. So long!
No pressure tonight, just the people I love in the home I love, drinking some champagne and eating some seriously expensive cheese. What more could a girl ask for? And Mary will be the most amazing New Year’s kiss!