I love the Kinks and I love my new shoes. I have been on a mission for some high heel lace-up boots for what feels like forever now. I thought I found them a few times, but nothing turned out successfully. Not until today when an afternoon package delivered what I have been searching for oh so long, the risky maneuver of buying them online paid off. And they weren’t my usual vintage ebay purchase, I actually got them new off
Amazon.com marked down to $45 from $150. Not bad, right? I bought a record player and many books there, but shoes? I would have never guessed. Hmmm, if this buying non-vintage clothes sticks (it won’t), maybe Amazon is the way to go? I didn't even have to pay for shipping and they got here in just two days. We shall see.
Anyway, now my every growing boot collection is finally complete (for a bit) and just in time for summer! Here are a couple pics that tortured me during my high heel lace-up bootless days. Mine are different than these, just another version of my usual granny witch boot though.

I think this chick works in my building.