Today I slipped on the snow on the way to work at least ten times — with one ending me on my ass. Remind me never to wear those shoes again, ugh, and to buy a big clunky pair of snow boots, ugh. It is a pretty known fact that I, a California girl, am not that into winter, for reasons like the one above plus many more. Yeah and I live in Berlin, I know, it is ridiculous. So trying to be positive about it, I thought since I am always writing about the Little Things I Love, maybe I should make a list about the little things I love about winter, there has to be some right?
I love how good all the citrus fruits taste...mmmm clementines...I love sledding, kinda...snowboarding is cool, but I haven't done it in years, hot chocolate is pretty good....hmmm....these things are all nice, but I would take their summer counterparts anytime. But then I came across a few of these pics....and I will say I do love a good looking man in the snow in a winter-y outfit, that is for sure.
Oh dear, the falling over in the snow thing. I guess it's inevitable at this time of year. If it makes you feel any better, my house mate says you can stand on a corner at Potsdammer Platz and just watch people slip over for a good 10 minutes. Grab a Gluhwein from the Weihnachtsmarkt and make a sport of it!
lovely men !
Oh dear, the falling over in the snow thing. I guess it's inevitable at this time of year. If it makes you feel any better, my house mate says you can stand on a corner at Potsdammer Platz and just watch people slip over for a good 10 minutes. Grab a Gluhwein from the Weihnachtsmarkt and make a sport of it!
PS - am yet to fall over. My time will come :(
Ha Fifi! Your comment made me feel better. I am actually going to Postdammer Platz this evening, maybe I will just have to take your advice. Xx, Megan
think I might have just fallen in love a little....haha.
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